Why I think senior pictures are important.

Senior pictures are proof of who you are right now. And right now is a fleeting moment when you are in between.

In between who you are and who you're going to be.

In between living at home and living on your own.

In between being a kid and an adult. 

Senior pictures mark the ending and the beginning at the same time. 

Bob Dylan once said, "Take care of all your memories, for you cannot relive them."

Having senior pictures that reflect who you really are--what you look like, how you dress, what you think about and love-- is a great way to take care of your high school memories, and I'd love to help you do that. 

I'm excited to meet you. Excited to find out  what you love, what you are passionate about, and what makes you who you are.

All of my senior sessions are personalized, editorial experiences where we'll create amazing images that tell your story. And no matter which session you choose...you're free to be you. 

I'm looking forward to getting to know you and creating creative images that you'll love today and that will help you remember.

Give me a call to set up your personal senior portrait session.

There's no wrong way to be you.
